Our Earth


“The Earth is considered as the source of all its living beings and inanimate things.”

What is the Importance of Saving Our Earth?

Human activity is destroying the ecosystems that we depend on for food, water and natural resources — and driving up to one million plant and animal species to extinction, many within decades.
The positive moves we are making now are not enough — countries must make “transformative changes” to the way we produce food, in particular.
The effects go hand in hand with climate change: agriculture is also a major carbon producer, and a warming world will make the extinction crisis worse.
“We are eroding the very foundations of our economies, livelihoods, food security, health and quality of life worldwide,”

Since we only have one planet to live on, we need to start to invest in the environment and save it for all of our generations to come. Here are some of the reasons we need to help raise awareness to save Our Earth!

Enjoying the Beauty of Nature that Our Earth provides.

We are all blessed by just seeing a sunrise or sunset in nature. We can enjoy the beautiful beaches that we walk upon and the flowers that we see blooming. We are immersed in the nature that it provides for all the animals that live there. Just these few aspects given raise our vibration and give us joy and happiness.

Being able to Breathe.

We are blessed with the air that we breathe for us to live our daily lives. All the beautiful trees assist us to give us the oxygen we need to breathe. If we don’t have trees how will we be able to breathe?

Providing us with Food and Water.

We are blessed that Our Earth provides us with our daily needs of food and water from nature. We drink water from the rain, lakes and snow. We eat the fruits and seeds from the trees, plants from our gardens and animals from the woods. If we didn’t have any of these things on earth how would we drink or eat?


1) Climate Cycle
2) Greenhouse Effect
3) Greenhouse Gases
4) Sea Levels
5) Methane
6) Chlorofluorocarbons and Nitrous Oxide
7) Human Activity
8) Evidence
9) Effect on Weather
10) Effects of Global Warming

What Can We do to Help to Save Our Earth?

Lastly, by taking actions and also teaching others the importance of saving Our Earth, we are indeed making a small contribution to helping saving her.
Small actions of change by several people make big changes on a whole! I hope you will be inspired to do your part on helping to save our environment, our planet, Our Earth!
Since we only have one planet to live on, we need to start to invest in the environment and save it for all of our generations to come. Here are some of the reasons we need to help raise awareness to save Our Earth!

Recycle, Recycle, Recycle!

Start by recycling all of the things you may use that can be recycled. This helps to reduce landfills and reduces wastes. When things are reused and re purposed for other things we are already helping the environment!

Reducing your Needs and Consumption!

Reducing your water and energy usages. Turn off the water when brushing your teeth. Turn off the lights when you are not in a room. Look at these things and other ways you can save the environment!

Education is Key!

Teaching not only our children but others too on how valuable Our Earth is to us! The more you can teach the conservation and value of Our Earth to others the more we are helping to save the environment. Remember it only takes 1 person to change others viewpoints!

For further information Write to us